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Adapting to - The New Normal

Everything was going perfectly normal, in our small little worlds! Until 31st Dec 2019, when "a pneumonia of unknown cause" was reported to WHO’s office in China, and the whole big world changed drastically since then. No other pandemic has affected so many people in different countries at the same time and never has the world shut down like this. 

Every country, every state and local communities are trying to do their best to contain the spread by lock-downs and by spreading awareness to wear mask, wash hands and maintain physical distance. So it is our turn now to participate in this battle to fight COVID 19 virus, to take precautions and keep our community safe and protect our children and elderly people by being diligent and decreasing the transmission.

Five things you should do

Always Use Mask:

  • Use the right mask in the right way, do not touch the front-side of mask either during use or removal. 
  • Do not wear a mask which is hard to breathe in. 
  • Remove the mask by handling only the ear loops or strings. 
  • Surgical mask, single use, cloth triple layer mask, do wash and wear.

Sanitize/Wash Hands:

  • Use soap and water to wash your hands for 20 seconds; 
  • Otherwise alcohol-based sanitizer can be used.

Social Distancing:

  • Maintain social distancing in public places 
  • When going out to do groceries and essential errands. 
  • When talking to your friends, colleagues and guests, do not pull your mask down, because that is the time when most aerosols are generated and can infect others.

Healthy Lifestyle:

These things will really go a long way in keeping you healthy and safe: 
  • Balanced diet 
  • Physical activities like - yoga, Zumba, brisk walk, treadmill at home or gardening 
  • Meditation 
  • Sound sleep and mental peace is essential.

Seek medical advice:

Do not delay in reaching out to seek medical attention. Online consultation with tele-medicine support is easily available now a days. Consult a Doctor for specific advice regarding your health condition: 
  • if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problem or 
  • if you notice any new symptoms.

Five things you should avoid

Crowded places:

Avoid going in crowded, poorly ventilated places, restaurants, malls, movies, gyms, choir rehearsals, social gatherings like birthday parties and wedding ceremonies. Outbreaks have been documented in such settings recently. 


Do not travel in crowded public transport, trains or going on a trip in airplane unless absolutely essential. 


Do not keep watching news on the TV regarding illness and deaths caused by this pandemic. Do not be with your phones and laptops all day. Instead, spend some quality time with children and elders in the house and also allay their anxieties. 

Junk food:

Avoid eating junk food, fried stuff or frozen food in this season. It could result in sore throat and congestion. Fizzy and sugary drinks could result in dental cavities and it would be very difficult to get dentist appointments in these times. So everyone brush your teeth at least twice a day. 

Blind forwards:

Refrain from forwarding non verified messages on WhatsApp and social media as it can create confusion or panic in some of the recipients.

We have to adjust to the new normal. The lock-down can’t last forever. Nature was rejuvenating herself when humans were locked up during quarantine. We should promise for the sake of our future generations that we will not revert back to our highly polluting ways post Covid crisis. Let us enjoy the return of the clear blue skies, pure fresh air, chirping of the birds in our beautiful complex while maintaining physical distance but socially connected. We are part of a very responsible community who never fails to help and support each other in times of need.

Stay Home.
Stay Safe.

Dr Shalini Joshi